5 Mindset shifts to love networking
Your mindset decides if you are successful in networking or not. The blog explains what a mindset is, the two mindsets that support your success in your career and how to change your mind set for better results. At the end there are 5 mindset shifts that can help you get unstuck and learn to love networking.
The 25 most inspiring books for female careers and women in leadership
Career inspiration comes in different forms. Here I am sharing my selection of the best reads for first-time managers, seasoned leaders, or even management hopefuls. Learn from the best leaders and advance in your career. The links are leading to one big source, however, please visit your local bookshop.
The books are my personal recommendation only, this is not paid advertisement and no affiliate links.
7 tips to get started with your book of success
A book of success is a place to record all your professional achievements, awards, victories and even endorsements or quotes from your colleagues. Your book of success is more simply a place to record important milestones in your personal and professional life. You can refer back to it when you are writing a CV, applying for a new job, aiming for a pay rise or even when you need a morale boost. This articles shares 7 tips how to get started to write your personal book of success and what you can get out of it.
Why you should love networking
Anybody who wants to get ahead needs to network. My approach will not only help you to identify the right network but gives you tips and tricks to network even if you hate networking so far. The majority of jobs are landed through networking. This means that time invested in strategic networking is important at any stage of your career. In shaping your profile you will increase your confidence
By continually stepping outside your comfort zone, you will enhance your social skills and self-confidence. Learn to love networking, the more you network, the more you’ll love it. You will build the foundation of lasting connections.
3 Reasons why Networking Matters
Anybody who wants to get ahead needs to network. Think about that statement. Chances are you’ve heard it before, but how much have you taken it to heart? If you’re not comfortable in social situations, you might have brushed this off a few times. At some point, you’re going to have to network. In the article, Katharina Engelhardt talks about 3 reasons why networking is important. Learn to love networking!
Why You Need Mentors
You cannot know everything there is to know about how to get where you want to be in life. While it’s possible to learn the needed skills, this will take time and likely a lot of money. Instead, what if you had someone (or a group of people) who can help guide you to success?
A mentor is someone who currently is where you want to be. The relationship you have with a mentor can be an official one, or it can be informal such as following in the footsteps of someone you admire. Mentors have experience and have gone through growing pains towards success. They will know what kinds of training you may need or skills to develop.
7 tips on how to approach a new leadership role
The actions you take during your first few months in a new role will largely determine whether you succeed or fail. Therefore, you need to plan and prepare yourself. Ideally, you begin to define your learning agenda before you formally enter the organization. If you fail to plan you plan to fail. In my blog article I offer 7 tips on how to approach a new leadership role and build in the first 90days into the new role a solid foundation for lasting success.
5 Tips how to prepare for your performance review
Performance appraisals are often feared by employees and line managers. But it doesn't have to be, because good preparation will allow everyone to discuss the past year's performance and focus on the next steps. It is important as an employee to enter this review prepared to ensure maximum outcome.
In this blog article Katharina Engelhardt presents 5 tips on how to prepare for your performance review to ensure that you confidentially reach your expected outcome and have a follow up on how to proceed.
The importance of effective feedback - part 2 - barriers and benefits
In my blog article the importance of effective feedback part 1
I did focus on describing what Effective Feedback is. Feedback is not a simple matter, both to give and to take feedback. It can sometimes be painful, embarrassing, defensive or create new difficulties. And this is why people shy away. In this blog I focus on barriers to Effective Feedback and
The Benefits of Feedback in the Workplace. Hand on heart: When was the last time you asked colleagues or your manager for feedback? Has it been a while? Then you are like many other employees. Yet most people are well aware of the importance of feedback: Without feedback, there is no targeted development.
Career Plans – are they still making sense?
Personally, I think it makes a lot of sense to create a career plan. The career plan helps you to define and visualize your professional goals. It gives you an overview of the goals and intermediate goals and can ensure that you don't lose sight of them.
From this plan you can then crystallize the next 90-day plan quite well. In this way, you can check in with the big goal every quarter to see whether it is still up to date and, if necessary, change the tactics.
I am offering a 5 week online course to explore the important areas and to set up a 90 day plan. During black week I am offering an additional 1:1 coaching call so that you start to take action on your 90 day plan.
The importance of effective feedback - part 1
Feedback is a conversational way of telling others how you see them or learning how others see you. Feedback, therefore, consists of two components, namely giving feedback and receiving feedback.
This article looks at the three objectives to give feedback. Deep dives into the questions: What Is Effective Feedback?
Effective feedback has the desired effect, that is, the outcome that we want (for example, a behavior change). At the same time, it is given in such a way as to maintain the respect and dignity of all the parties involved. Katharina offers 3 approaches Balancing Positive and Constructive Feedback. At the end we need to understand that giving effective feedback is a powerful management tool. Giving & Receiving Feedback in the Workplace is part of her course SPEAK UP!
How to deal with difficult people at work
Difficult people do exist at work. They come in every variety and no workplace is without them. How difficult a person is for you to deal with depends on your self-esteem, your self-confidence and your professional courage at work.
They all have one thing in common. You must address them. No matter the type of difficult situation in which you find yourself, dealing with difficult people or situations is a must.
Handling difficult people is more about you and your reaction.
My blog article offers 15+1 Smart Techniques to Deal with Difficult People at Work.
11 Signs when it is time to reconsider or even quit your job
Deciding to reconsider or even quit a job is a significant moment in your professional career. While it’s normal to have challenges at work, feeling a deep and lasting dissatisfaction towards your job is worth exploring. It's important to recognize the difference between when you should work through a challenge and when it's time to reconsider or even leave a position.
There are many valid personal and professional reasons to reconsider or even leave a job. In this article, I’ll walk through eleven powerful signs it may be time to reconsider and three actionable steps you can take right away to explore the situation.
If you now get the feeling that quitting your job is the best decision for you do one extra step. Think about TAKE IT – CHANGE IT or LEAVE IT.
You are the pilot of your life. Take your time.
The Influence of inner communication on your career _ take ownership!
For many professionals, limiting thoughts or even negative beliefs haunt their minds. These have a limiting effect on self-confidence and success at work. I have observed this especially in women.
Our life experiences - essentially, our successes and failures - are shaped by two types of communication: Our inner communication, which includes our ideas, our thoughts and our feelings.
And external communication, which includes words, tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures and physical actions. Every communication we are "involved" in is an action, a cause. Every communication therefore has an effect on ourselves and others. In this blog I will look at our inner communication and offer a process to dissolve limiting beliefs.
Assertive Communication: Challenges for Women in Business
Women in business may find day-to-day communications challenging. How do I express my thoughts, needs, and goals with assertion? Will I be perceived as aggressive or pushy? How do I drive the conversation in a way that leads to my desired outcome while maintaining a positive relationship with the person I’m interacting with?
Many women want to develop the assertive communication skills needed to express themselves, deliver a message effectively, and be heard without second-guessing themselves. Finding the right balance between confidence and an impactful expression of your position is key.
Assertiveness is a skill that means demonstrating healthy confidence where you state your rights and stand up for yourself in a respectful manner. You are taking care of yourself by looking out for yourself.
9 Ways To Make Yourself Heard In Meetings
Even at the highest levels of organizations, many otherwise dynamic women struggle in meetings. Some say their voices are drowned out; others can’t find a way into the conversation at all. Their male counterparts perceive a problem, but they tend to dismiss it as resulting from timidity, defensiveness, lack of focus or excessive emotion.
After some investigation, I suggest 9 steps women can take to feel more comfortable and become more effective. It is a combination of activities women can contribute and what organizations can also implement to ensure that women’s voices are heard, e.g. by providing direct feedback about meeting behavior, inviting more women to the table and proactively pulling women into the conversation.
These changes can have profound results, enabling all team members, male and female, to contribute to their full potential.
7 Tips to improve communication with your Boss – starting today
Good communication allows to manage many situations in life smoothly. Getting the message through to your boss isn’t always easy. For one thing, there’s an imbalance of power there that can make it difficult to be candid. For another, it’s often hard to get the timing right — you’re busy and so are they. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to improve your communication with your boss, no matter what kinds of challenges you face. But great relationships are based on having great communication, so what is the best way to improve your communication with your boss? Try these 7 effective ways. The goal of this framework is to optimize outcomes and ultimately to save time, not only for yourself but also your boss. This topic is part of my course SPEAK UP! The masterclass for women in body language and communication.
The Art of Listening: A Critical Skill for career success
Active listening is one of the most critical skills in effective communication. Most of us were taught how to speak, how to present clearly, how to make a good argument, defend a position, ask questions, make a point, but few of us have been taught how to listen. We may have been told to listen or scolded for not listening but seldom taught how to do a better job of it. So, we grow up thinking that listening is “not” doing something. That it is passive. We are either good at it or not. But that is not really true. Listening is a skill that can be learned and developed like any other skill. The article features some techniques you can use to become an active listener. The author offers an easy exercise How to Become an Effective Listener on request.
Body Language: Speak Volumes Without Saying a Word
Believe it or not, most communication is nonverbal. Are you really saying what you think you’re saying? If you often find that people misunderstand you, perhaps your body language is communicating different thoughts than what your voice is saying!
Adjusting your body language can strengthen your communication and help you make a better impression in all kinds of social and professional settings. Facial expressions, hand gestures, and posture all communicate certain meanings. When your body language agrees with your words, what you say is much more powerful.
Whether you wonder what messages you're sending with your body language or you just want some tips to brush up on your communication skills, here are some techniques you can try. Katharina Engelhardt shares general principles, head and body adjustments.
Body language is an important interpersonal skill. By taking conscious control of your nonverbal communication, you help yourself to feel more confident and you put others at ease.
Body language and career confidence are the center of her course SPEAK UP!
Why Are People So Anxious About Public Speaking?
Why Are People So Anxious About Public Speaking?
Public Speaking Fear can be paralyzing... You probably know the feeling. You can work for weeks, learn the materials, prepare the presentation. You try to ignore the anxiety. And then it's the moment... You go to the stand... Your throat is dry, you begin to stutter... Your brain feels empty. The good news is that this phobia can be reversed and that there are lots of help to overcome this problem.
In my course SPEAK UP! We tackle exactly this topic.