7 TIPS HOW TO SAY NO                             and 3 actionable steps you can take right away
SPEAK UP! Katharina Engelhardt SPEAK UP! Katharina Engelhardt

7 TIPS HOW TO SAY NO and 3 actionable steps you can take right away


Time is a limited resource and we all need to be careful what we do with our time. It seems that there is never enough time in a day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? The easy answer is in good time management. Lots of people attend time management seminars, with the following idea: Effective time management is the effective use of your time that allows you to plan your days in such a way that you finish your work with less effort and make the most of the limited time you’ve got. But for many of us it is not time management which is the challenge, but to say NO! The blog shares 7 tips on how to say NO!

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Your Personal brand as an employee –  7 tips when to use it
SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt

Your Personal brand as an employee – 7 tips when to use it

Branding (if you haven’t worked on creating a brand yet) or rebranding (if you’re considering a job or career shift), means deciding which career path you’re on and tailoring your message, expertise, and what’s visible to network connections and prospective employers, to match that brand.

Your brand, besides showing what you’re capable of doing and where you’re heading, will show employers what you can bring to the table and how you will add value to their organization. In my blog article personal branding as an employee I am showing ways of how to strategically be visible in the corporate world.

You need to be clear what you stand for, who you are and who you are not. The first step is to Create your Branding Statement

Enjoy updating your Branding Statement, this is what I cover in my course SHOW UP!

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Networking isn’t a numbers game…
SHOW UP!, SPEAK UP! Katharina Engelhardt SHOW UP!, SPEAK UP! Katharina Engelhardt

Networking isn’t a numbers game…

Networking isn’t a numbers game…

…it’s about making a meaningful connection with someone you can learn from, who in turn can teach you new things. Unfortunately, this makes networking suddenly seem more intimidating.
When talking about networking in coaching session people often regard networking as professional coffee chats, they don´t know whom to contact and how to prepare for networking, all reasons for not getting started at all. In this blog post I look into these topics; the why, the how and the what of networking. I personally do not like the word networking for me I am weaving a net of opportunities and I never talk about networking when I approach someone, it is a touch base or an exchange of thoughts. The right mindset, a strategically build network and some preparation for the evens are the magic formula to build your net or opportunities with ease and confidence. Networking does not need to be intimidating and it is for sure more than professional coffee drinking. Once you realize this networking will become a natural routine.

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Your elevator pitch - the magic of a compelling speech
SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt

Your elevator pitch - the magic of a compelling speech

The elevator pitch is one tool to introduce yourself to someone in a compelling way to set up for a successful professional conversation. It makes introductions during networking and job search simple and effective. Your elevator pitch should answer the following questions: Who are you? What do you do? State what makes you different. What do you want? Include an attention-grabbing hook. Keep your pitch simple and tailored to the audience. It is recommended to invest time into your elevator speech and prepare it when you are not under pressure. During my course SHOW UP! you will work on your Elevator Pitch and get feedback in a safe environment. This course is a good forum to prepare and practice. We start mid-September after the summer break.

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Storytelling – What I learned throughout my career
SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt

Storytelling – What I learned throughout my career

Storytelling is a valuable interaction. Even if you aren't telling your story in-person to your intended audience, your story in any medium is still an interaction between you or your brand and your listener.

Next, I'll take a look at what how to become a masterful storyteller yourself.

Storytelling is one core chapter in my course SHOW UP! It is an art we all need to master in the work environment and part of lifelong learning.

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"Tell us something about yourself"
SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt

"Tell us something about yourself"

One of the most popular interview questions is the one about your CV or your work history. It is a real classic, as it provides an easy introduction to the interview. Often, applicants feel surprised by such questions or requests: they are ambiguous and sometimes it is difficult to see what the interviewer really wants to know.
Before the interview at the company, write down your self-presentation in keywords according to the tasks and requirements of the new job and always according to the motto "Describe, don't evaluate".
You know yourself best and the question "Tell us something about yourself" is your chance to highlight what makes you special! You still need help with this? In my course SHOW UP! I present you a concept how you can easily prepare for moments in your professional life when you need to present yourself confidently. Reach out to me via mail katharina@katharinaengelhardt.com for further details.

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My personal reflection on leadership
LEVEL UP! Katharina Engelhardt LEVEL UP! Katharina Engelhardt

My personal reflection on leadership

What does it take to be a good leader, and wait: what is a good leader. Effective leadership begins with you.
In short: Do what you love and love what you do!
In most companies, to climb up the career ladder, management, and leadership roles are the most obvious steps. My personal belief is that to be an effective leader, you must first be a leader of yourself. Self-discipline matters in everything you strive for, whether it’s losing weight, finishing a degree, or winning a gold medal in the Olympics. Before you lead, you must have an intrinsic desire and an ability to move mountains to get what you desire.
Belief in yourself is a tremendous asset to leadership. Your words and your actions can lead others to great heights – but only if you believe that you, too, have powers that are strong and which you strive to develop.
In the end, everything will be good, and if it is not good, it is not the end. Because of the learning experience, you’ll find that you’re stronger than you thought you were and that you can accomplish more than you thought you could.
With the current focus on diversity and inclusion, I would like to encourage specifically women to lean in for leadership roles.


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Why do women not apply for jobs?
SHOW UP!, LEVEL UP! Katharina Engelhardt SHOW UP!, LEVEL UP! Katharina Engelhardt

Why do women not apply for jobs?

From my experience there are several factors for not applying for a new next level role. Let me go through them and present at the same time some tips and trick to overcome this factor so that you can apply for the new challenge! I can only advocate to really explore your potential, go as far as you can to reach fulfillment in your professional and in your private life. Applying for a new role is part of career advancement and growth. Growth can be painful but in almost all of the cases very rewarding. My programs prepare you for those moments and help you to Show Up.

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3 tools for career planning
LEVEL UP! Katharina Engelhardt LEVEL UP! Katharina Engelhardt

3 tools for career planning

I often get asked what career planning tools I recommend. The answer is: There is not just one tool, as we are all different people and in different stages of our career. I am sharing the 3 tools that I am using for planning my career steps. Based on my personality I start every year with a vision board. From this vision board I derive 90 day targets. During the year I plan my action steps in a tool called ASANA. Here I can break down my annual goals into quarterly and monthly plans and even more granular levels. The last tool is simple and powerful – it is a focused journaling exercise. I am writing my “BOOK OF SUCCESS”.

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Personal branding as an employee Strategically Visible  in the corporate world
SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt

Personal branding as an employee Strategically Visible in the corporate world

Let me share simple tips on sharpening your image to be successful in your corporate career and answer the question of why you even need to think about it. Your image or let´s call it Personal Brand should highlight your strengths, establish a reputation, build trust, and communicate the unique attributes you bring to your current (or desired) industry. Cultivated well, your personal brand will signal to employers whether or not you’ll be the right fit for an open role.

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What is a career coach and what can career coaching do for me?
LEVEL UP! Katharina Engelhardt LEVEL UP! Katharina Engelhardt

What is a career coach and what can career coaching do for me?

I often get the question: What is a career coach and what can career coaching do for me? If you have the same kind of questions, keep reading because below are the answers!
Depending on what your objectives are this will determine the focus of your coaching sessions.
A career coach helps you establish realistic goals, discover solutions to challenges people are up against, develop action plans, build self-confidence, and instills motivation to take action.
You are the pilot of your life and you need to take ownership of your career. A career coach gets you there faster and explores other opportunities as well, helping you to envision the future.

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What is the difference between Showing Up and Showing Off?
SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt

What is the difference between Showing Up and Showing Off?

The difference between show up and show off is what is happening in your mind. The main difference is how you and others perceive a message. We should not stop ourselves from showing up and feel good because we are afraid of the possibility of being judged. It is crucial for yourself to show up, be seen and receive feedback.

Showing up means you become visible. When you are not visible, you can not be seen. The positive effects of showing up outweigh the negative effects.

In Katharina Engelhardt course SHOW UP! start exactly with this topic.

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Three women career blogs you need to be following (and why)
SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt

Three women career blogs you need to be following (and why)

Achievement in professional life starts with the right mental mindset. Having the right people, mentors, and teachers in our lives positively influences how we view ourselves and our contribution to the world. In the article Katharina Engelhardt, career coach for women sharres three blogs and websites (in no particular order) that are incredibly inspiring.

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How I learned to speak up and show up
SHOW UP!, SPEAK UP! Katharina Engelhardt SHOW UP!, SPEAK UP! Katharina Engelhardt

How I learned to speak up and show up

My three biggest mistakes during my career, which I would like to share with you today. My biggest mistakes were that I did not speak up, did not say “No” and was a true perfectionist. It sounds like the description of the perfect working bee. To grow and turn my personal career dream into reality, I needed to overcome these mistakes. In the article we go deeper and have a look at how I tackled them and how I learned to Speak up! and Show up! during this process. Personal development is a lifelong process.

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Bringing more women into leadership
SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt

Bringing more women into leadership

I got interviewed by my coach Jasmin Schweiger. She is a part of my journey on my mission to bringing more women into leadership. The questions are how i would describe myself? And why is the topic of women in leadership so close to my heart? I share that I address all women who have the feeling that they are not perceived appropriately, but now want to change this. At the end of the interview, I share that at the moment my course "SHOW UP!" is running, a course in which one learns to know oneself better, to position oneself, and to present oneself, with 70 participants from a global environment. I have already created a waiting list for the next run, where you can sign up. And in a few weeks, I will launch "TAKE THE LEAD", a course for direct and indirect leadership. The course language of my courses is English. But I could imagine giving the course in German on request.

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7 Leader Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
LEVEL UP! Katharina Engelhardt LEVEL UP! Katharina Engelhardt

7 Leader Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Many new leaders jump into their role without considering the mistakes they may be making. Leadership comes with responsibilities that include setting good examples and handling issues within the workplace. Once they recognize the mistakes they are making, leaders grab the chance to learn and grow to become a better leader. The article describes 7 common mistakes many leaders make and how you can avoid them.
Leadership isn’t about being a manager. It’s about setting a good example, guiding and helping others and inspiring others to do their best.

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5 Reasons to Create Your Vision Board
BALANCE Katharina Engelhardt BALANCE Katharina Engelhardt

5 Reasons to Create Your Vision Board

Vision boards have gained popularity over the years. The idea behind vision boards is that you find visual representation of your goals.
What works for you doesn´t work for all so take control over your life and start envisioning your future as you need to trust your gut.

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