Why Are People So Anxious About Public Speaking?

The fear of public speaking is one of the most general and universal that every human being experiences when exposed to the opinions of others. Some say it is fear #1.

Public Speaking Fear can be paralyzing

You probably know the feeling. You can work for weeks, learn the materials, prepare the presentation. You try to ignore the anxiety. And then it's the moment... You go to the stand... Your throat is dry, you begin to stutter... Your brain feels empty.

Public speaking anxiety is much more common than you may think. You are not alone in worrying about speaking in public; many people experience "stage fright" when they have to give a speech. Many of us take the fear of public speaking as being a weakness and will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid it. Obsessing about your performance as a public speaker haunts beginners and experienced speakers alike. Even the most skilled public speakers, admit they battle with their nerves before a big presentation.

The sense of nervousness is caused by a sudden rush of the hormone adrenaline into the nervous system.

This causes a "fight or flight" reaction. This reaction, stated very basically, is when we are confronted with a threatening situation, such as an automobile swerving in front of us. The adrenaline rush stimulates our physiological reactions.

As speakers, we can use what nature has given us to our advantage. Nerves are good if we learn to control them. Adrenaline helps us to perform better, it is our bodies own natural stimulant. Start by recognizing that the nervous tension we feel as we address a group is a form of positive energy. Being nervous is good, as it shows that you really care about getting your message across. You value your credibility and want to sound and look good to your audience. In one of my earlier blog posts I was sharing how I learned to speak up during my career, the link to the article is here.


·        Most people rank public speaking as their number one fear

·        People make a lot of excuses to avoid speaking in public

·        Speaking creates an adrenaline rush. You can harness this adrenaline, and make it work for you

·        It is not shameful to feel anxious about public speaking

So, what can you do?

·        Relax and take deep breaths, slow down your breathing, get it rhythmical

·        Remember adrenaline is causing your physical effects

·        You are not nervous, you are excited—change your mind set

·        Identify and control your “comforter,” root your feet to stop movements. Pay attention not to fidget with your hair, ring, pockets, etc.

The phobia of speaking in public is a very serious condition and can potentially take over the lives of people suffering from it. The good news is that this phobia can be reversed and that there are lots of help to overcome this problem. The fear of public speaking is not a gender topic, most available studies underline this finding.

In my course SPEAK UP! We tackle exactly this topic. The course is at the moment not open but you can register on the waitlist by clicking here

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Katharina explains why people are anxious about public speaking

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