5 Steps to use role models to facilitate career goals achievement
Male and female role models play a crucial role in bringing more women into leadership positions.
Gender stereotypes and gender-typical role expectations of women (and men) continue to be commonplace in all organizations.
The right role models can help women to achieve their goals.
Generally, there are two types of role models: positive role models, who serve as examples of what we "should" do, and negative role models, who serve as examples of things we "shouldn't" do.
As a career coach, I can help you find the role model that inspires and motivates you to achieve your personal career goal. Let´s keep in mind: The best role model is the one who has already achieved the goal you have in mind. For example your goal could be that you want to be able to present your projects in an interesting and lively way so that others can see what you have achieved. My tried and proven 5-step approach is in the blog.
True Leadership Can Save A Sinking Ship
Leadership is not only seen during a crisis but how you handle the people that you work with daily is what informs peoples' opinions on whether they can trust you in a crisis. If you are an understanding leader who understands that people work with you and not for you it is easy for people to relate to your goal and vision because they know that they are safe by your side. As a leader, you should keep in mind that your actions towards the people you are leading will influence how they act in a crisis. Whether people choose to abandon the ship or start taking the ship apart so that they have a piece of wood to float on depends on the treatment they received before they even got on the ship.
What is your leadership vision? What kind of leader do you want to be? What makes a great leader? You see, that´s not an easy question to answer, because everyone will answer it differently. Great Leadership means something different to everyone.
Identifying your values and Self-reflection in leadership if the first steps of my 4- Steps Guide To Becoming the Leader you want to be.
Follow my proven program that I developed when training to be an even better leadership coach. More details in the blog.
How do your values influence your role as a leader?
Our own set of values, our character, is the central basis for our actions. It has a direct influence on how our employees perceive and value us. Only employees who (can) trust their leaders will follow them, even in difficult phases.
Therefore, it is important to become aware of one's own values and to review them regularly. This allows us to recognize the effects of our values on the current use of our skills and on our character traits. This provides concrete opportunities to set up targeted measures for the successful further development of leadership competences.
Identifying your values and Self-reflection in leadership if the first steps of my 4- Steps Guide To Becoming the Leader you want to be.
Follow my proven program. We start on the 10th of October. This is a program that I developed when training to be an even better leadership coach. More details in the blog.
Bringing more women into leadership- reflection
I got interviewed by my coach Jasmin Schweiger in March 2021. She is a part of my journey on my mission to bringing more women into leadership.
Whilst preparing for the final quarter of 2022 I have been reflecting on my journey as a leadership coach since then.
The concept that I did develop as part of the Training and coaching with Jasmin is the program Become the leader you want to be in October. I have run it already several times and fine-tuned it over time.
Since then I have build a more comprehensive offer and coaching approach to support women to break through their personal glass ceiling to land and stay in leadership roles. If you want to learn more about my approach follow my newsletter. You can find some testimonials on my LinkedIn profile.
Below you find the English version of the interview from march 2021 in the blog.
4- Steps Guide To Becoming the leader you want to be
Amongst leaders, there are some that stand out as inspirational and effective. This usually does not come easy no matter how these leaders seem to ease along. It takes a lot of commitment and effort to be one of the best, just like in any field in life.
Here is my proven 4-Step approach to becoming the leader you aim to be.
Step 1: Self-perception "Who and How are you as a leader"
Step 2: Vision "How do you aspire to be as a leader?"
Step 3: Reality Check "How are you perceived as a leader?"
Step 4: Action "What are my next steps to be the leader I want to be?"
Sounds straight forward? It is. You just need to do it!
Follow my proven program. We start on the 10th of October. This is a program that I developed when training to be an even better leadership coach. More details in the blog.
5 Reasons why Leaders Need Coaching Skills
These days, in the workplace, there is a tendency towards a more democratic and less directive style of leadership and management.
A democratic leader involves the whole team in the decision-making process and values cooperation. As such, democratic leadership at work has many similarities with coaching.
A coach helps people find answers rather than telling them what to do. Coaches trust their coachees to be able to find solutions and believe that everyone has the potential to learn.
Leaders who adopt a coaching attitude to managing people want to empower their direct reports and their teams. Such leaders want to develop a workforce that is effective, creative, and able to make decisions without prompting.
For modern leaders, acquiring coaching skills helps them to empower and motivate their staff.
In the blog, I share 5 Reasons why Leaders need Coaching skills.
CONFLICT MANAGEMENT and 7 tips to Resolving Conflict
There are many triggers for conflicts:
A wrong word from a colleague, careless feedback from the boss or the rubbish not being taken down can lead to arguments. Conflicts can be exhausting.
They cost energy, time and often nerves. Nevertheless, it is worth not overlooking the potential that these small and larger crises bring with them: For friction always holds opportunities to solve problems, to come closer together and to promote mutual growth. And even if the word conflict has negative connotations for most people, disagreements also have positive sides. Proper conflict management is the magic word here - because those who master the art of dealing with conflicts in the right way can not only emerge stronger from them, but also bring with them important know-how for leadership positions.
This blog includes powerful tips related to resolving conflict.
It is essential for managers in particular to master conflict management. The earlier conflicts are recognized and suitable solutions found, the more harmonious teamwork usually is. However, if conflicts simmer unnoticed in the underground, the failure of a team is virtually pre-programmed. The mood becomes bad, the work results unsatisfactory and, in the worst case, it can lead to dismissals.
For the manager, good conflict management also means having to put up with the emotions of different team members and, in case of doubt, making unpopular decisions. Of course, no one likes to make themselves unpopular - and yet sometimes there is no way around it as a leader. Conflict is a part of everyone’s life. They will happen to you eventually, and often when you least expect them. They may not be not pleasant, but they are something that you must deal with. Thankfully, there are a number of steps you can take to minimize the impact of these conflicts.
Developing Your Leadership Skills to Boost Your Potential and Your Influence
It takes hard work, courage and taking risks to be a leader. You have to be able to find solutions to problems and make things better while not falling apart yourself. Being a leader means being a role model for people to follow and doing things that will help the community, your employees or even the world be improved. The job of a good leader is to help others do their best by demonstrating specific attitudes, behaviors and skills that inspire and guide others to follow you.
Leadership has changed a great deal in the past few years. In the past leadership was viewed as you being the expert and everyone following you. Leaders of today not only build their business but create products and services that help improve the world, or at least a small portion of the world.
Why am I giving away 20 coaching sessions?
I will be 20 years with Adidas this year (2022).
An exciting number: no longer young and inexperienced. Still wild and brave. And to mark the occasion, I'm giving away 20 coaching sessions of 45 minutes each via Zoom to women who currently have a professional problem they'd like to get rid of.
Who I'm giving this to, what's in it for you, what's the catch, and how it works, I answer all that in this blog.
The Mentor _ Find One • Learn from Them • Become One
In this blog, you're going to be introduced to the world of mentors. We'll start with the basics, where you'll learn exactly what mentors are – and what they are not. You'll find out why you should have a mentor and even touch on the subject of why you might want to consider mentoring someone else.
From there, we’re going to dig deeper into the topic by exploring how you can go about finding a mentor, along with several tips on how to make the most of your mentorship experience once you have one.
Finally, we’ll go back to the idea of becoming a mentor yourself, exploring what you have to offer and how you can get started in reaching out to someone else in a vital and life-changing way.
Mentorship is an exciting idea. Imagine building a relationship with someone else for the sole purpose of realizing your dreams. Let’s get started!
In my mentoring and coaching most of the time we come back to one of these points. In my coaching MOVE UP! I focus on leadership: the soft skills, the mindset and the practical techniques to lead with ease, confidence and fun. Click here if you want to join the course to get the most recent information.
Delegation _ The Keys of Communication
At some point, it's quite likely life will put you into a position where you will have to delegate something to someone and tell them how to do it. If you are like most people, you might feel like you're not up to the task initially.
This blog starts with the keys to communication. It will also explore different delegation styles.
How to delegate is part of my 90-day program MOVE UP! the first 90 days for leaders (first-time leaders and when changing roles). This program is as well beneficial when you want to prepare yourself for your next leadership transition.
TOP25 books for female leaders part 2
Career inspiration comes in different forms. Here I am sharing my selection of the best reads for first-time managers, seasoned leaders, or even management hopefuls. Learn from the best leaders and advance in your career. The links are leading to one big source, however, please visit your local bookshop.
The books are my personal recommendation only, this is not paid advertisement and no affiliate links.
TOP 10 TIPS About Leadership
As a leader and leadership coach I read, learned and experienced a lot about leadership. Leadership is crucial to any organization. Without good leadership, the company is set to fail or suffer a great loss. Good leadership is mainly about the ability to influence your followers and guiding them on a journey to reaching set goals. To achieve this, there are certain things a leader will have to do or be. Of course, there is no one way of leading, and as such, different leadership styles, and institutional goals will require the leader to do or be different things based on what works best for the situation at hand.
I am sharing my personal TOP 10 with you. In my mentoring and coaching most of the time we come back to one of these points. In my coaching MOVE UP! I focus on leadership: the soft skills, the mindset and the practical techniques to lead with ease, confidence and fun. Click here if you want to join the course to get the most recent information.
Networking is exciting once you get the why and the how. You never know who you’re going to meet, or how each person will become important in your life. Think of it as a treasure hunt of a net of opportunities. Remember to prepare and know what to say, practice your elevator pitch to introduce yourself. Your elevator pitch should answer the following questions: Who are you? What do you do? What do you want?
In her course SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt starts exactly with this topic.
9 TIPS – Preparation to SHOW UP!
This blog includes nine powerful tips and three actionable steps you can take right away.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are desperate to jump in and say your piece, but instead, you stew in silence? If you can relate to this, you might have trouble speaking up. This is a serious issue. If you aren't willing or able to speak up for yourself, rest assured that no one else will either. No concerns, issues, questions, or solutions you might have in your head will ever materialize if you can't speak up at the right time. If you'd like to be the type of person who speaks up when their best interests are at stake, please consider these nine tips.
The Definitive Networking Guide for Introverts
Being an introvert doesn’t mean you won’t ever master networking. It means you might need to put a little more thought into what you’re doing than an extrovert does. It also means you’re going to have to pay closer attention to your energy levels as you network, and that you’ll need to be kind to yourself when you find your energy flagging.
It also means that you’ll more likely make deeper and longer-lasting connections than extroverts. That’s because introverts typically make for great listeners.
If you’re an introvert, take heart. You’re about to experience some of the best social interactions in your life. In my course SHOW UP! I give you the tips and tricks you need to have to build your network.
2 reasons why women are not visible
I've noticed 2 behaviors that get in the way of many talented women from landing a promotion:
Reluctance to talk about their accomplishments.
Expecting others to notice their contributions
you need to make sure that you're communicating your value and you're also communicating what your desires are, what your interests are. What are your plans for the next six months, the next year? Are you looking at other opportunities in the organization? Let them know what your plans are.
You are the pilot of your life and you are owning your career. At the end of the day, no one else is going to do it for you.
In her course SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt starts exactly with this topic.
The difference between show up and show off is what is happening in your mind. The main difference is how you and others perceive a message. We should not stop ourselves from showing up and feel good because we are afraid of the possibility of being judged. It is crucial for yourself to show up, be seen and receive feedback.
Showing up means you become visible. When you are not visible, you can not be seen. The positive effects of showing up outweigh the negative effects.
In her course SHOW UP! Katharina Engelhardt start exactly with this topic.
5 steps to prepare your Elevator Pitch
The elevator pitch is one tool to introduce yourself to someone in a compelling way to set up for a successful professional conversation. It makes introductions during networking and job search simple and effective. Your elevator pitch should answer the following questions: Who are you? What do you do? State what makes you different. What do you want? Include an attention-grabbing hook. Keep your pitch simple and tailored to the audience. It is recommended to invest time into your elevator speech and prepare it when you are not under pressure. During my course SHOW UP! you will work on your Elevator Pitch and get feedback in a safe environment. This course is a good forum to prepare and practice. We start mid-September after the summer break.
5 reasons to start a career journal / book of success
Journaling is an adventure that can help you succeed in so many ways!
From getting organized to realizing your dreams, a journal can be a powerful tool. It’s amazing to think how much power lies in something so simple as the written word.
Career journaling focuses on your career and will help you to Stick to Your Goals, Track Your Progress and Growth for career confidence, Improve your memory, track your ideas and Reflect.
Of course, journals take time, so be prepared to make a time commitment to this endeavor to own your career.
Start to write your own story!