TOP 10 TIPS About Leadership

As a leader and leadership coach I read, learned and experienced a lot about leadership. Leadership is crucial to any organization. Without good leadership, the company is set to fail or suffer a significant loss. Good leadership is mainly about the ability to influence your followers and guiding them on a journey to reaching set goals. To achieve this, there are certain things a leader will have to do or be. Of course, there is no one way of leading, and as such, different leadership styles, and institutional goals will require the leader to do or be different things based on what works best for the situation at hand.

Let me share my TOP 10 list about what I find most important about leadership;

Transparency is key

Transparency is everything in leadership. Those who elect leaders expect to have their interests served. In the process, both those who are represented and the followers need to be kept in the loop. They should get all the important details of what is happening especially if it directly affects them. For example, the owner of a company will need to know how funds are used and followers will need to know if the path you are leading them through poses a threat of any kind. A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity. In these aspects it is important to always talk about the why. Everyone in the organization has a different point of view and area of accountability. Ensuring that your team knows the why and that you as a leader take care to communicate and explain the why is essential.


As a leader you should be able to explain your choices and, take responsibility for your actions and the outcomes of your decisions. This includes whatever goes wrong in the hands or under the watch of your team. You are answerable to whoever you represent or is affected by whatever decision you make and you should demonstrate that you can reliably deliver on your promises and commitments. In addition to that, you should be able to cultivate a culture of accountability in your team. Hard as it may be, you need to hold them accountable for their actions, too, and give constructive feedback to improve group performance. This area is the most challenging for new leaders and for indirect leaders. 

Leadership is not about you

Leadership is not about you – it is about reaching goals. You are the driver but not the wheels or the engine. Remember that you get your power from those who chose you to represent them or, that what makes you a leader is that you have followers. Put your own interests aside and serve. As a leader, you need to be humble and also remember that your leadership is ineffective without the support of your subordinates. Therefore, you would need to remember the ‘source of your relevancy’ and deliver. This is also a challenge for those who lead their own institutions. Keep in mind that your employees keep your business running and ensure that you build the best possible relationship with them. Your attitude determines your team’s or organization’s success. It spills over to how your subordinates treat clients or value their jobs. Be a team player and work in harmony with others without abusing your power.

You do not stop learning

Being a leader does not mean you know everything there is to know or you know better than your team in everything. Even if you do, you may miss something important. Learn to listen and allow your subordinates to make contributions where possible. Keep improving your skills, learn from those who have walked the journey before you, and from other leaders. Cultivate your listening skills this is your biggest source of information.

Relationships are important

Build good working relationships with your followers and everyone who is likely to be affected by the outcomes of your work, planned and unplanned. How you work with other people will determine how they react when you make mistakes, their readiness to forgive you and how much they trust you. Most importantly, it will play an important role when they decide who or what to support if there are choices to be made.

Empower your team

Empower your team – motivate, challenge, and advise your team and help them grow. Do things with them as a team player as much as possible. This way you are not only improving their lives but, you are building a reliable team that has an idea how their leader wants things done. It gives them the confidence to keep things moving even in your absence. 

Positivity and optimism matter

Positivity and optimism matter– enhance positive emotions in your team and those who matter most to your institution. A positive attitude keeps things moving even in difficult situations. It boosts confidence and creates a supportive culture which is crucial to building a strong and resilient team. Positivity and optimism also keep the team motivated and hopeful. However, as a leader, you should be careful not to overdo it. Balance it up with being realistic to keep things under control.

You need to be decisive

It is crucial to make timely and well-informed decisions as a leader. Gather all necessary information and consider how the situation affects your team or the institution. Some of the decisions to be made will be heartbreaking and you will need to keep your eyes on the goals and how indecisiveness affects them. Do not overanalyze things.

Control your emotions

A leader must be emotionally intelligent. Being controlled by emotions blurs your view and affects your judgment. Staying positive, giving yourself time to understand other people's situations, and not making rushed decisions can help you learn to control your emotions.

It’s okay to make mistakes

You are human after all. Forgive yourself where you have made a mistake and learn your lessons. Do not make yet another mistake by trying to cover up lest it comes back to haunt you or worsen the situation.

I am sharing my personal TOP 10 with you. In my mentoring and coaching most of the time we come back to one of these points. In my coaching MOVE UP! I focus on leadership: the soft skills, the mindset and the practical techniques to lead with ease, confidence and fun. Click here if you want to join the course to get the most recent information. Here is a link to book a discovery session with me to find out if I am the right coach for you.

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Katharina Engelhardt shares her TOP 10 Leadership Tipps

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