What is a career coach and what can career coaching do for me?

I often get the question: What is a career coach and what can career coaching do for me? If you have the same kind of questions, keep reading because below are the answers!
It's no secret that it's a challenging job market out there - both for people who are completely without work and those who have jobs but not necessarily the dream careers that they desire.
And it´s not a secret that women often think they can't have it all, and that women do sometimes find themselves in a professional career situation that they would like to change. Often they are you stuck in a hamster wheel that they can’t seem to shake. Maybe they are looking to change careers or find work to feel passionate about? Family situations and personal work-life balance lead to a situation where you might feel paralyzed and purposeless.
Most women think they need to figure it out by themselves. However, a lot of us do need help, and finding an expert in career planning is one of the fastest ways to accelerate that process. Experienced mentors and coaches see beyond what you see in yourself and get the #mybest out of you to speak up and show up to help turn your career dreams into reality.

What is a career coach?

A career coach is someone who can help you in your career - either to go to the next level to find a new job, or to transition into a new role.
Career coaching is getting the support, help, and guidance you need to investigate and step up to turn your career dreams into reality. A career coach is asking questions, providing impulses, shares exercise, works with you jointly on solutions and helps you overcome personal challenges. This could range from CV and resume writing to interview preparation, identifying your dream job, overcome your imposter syndrome, finetune your online presence and many more.
Essentially, career coaching aims to empower professionals by helping them make informed decisions about their professional journey.

What can career coaching do for me?  

Career coaches focus on results, actions and accountability.  They start right where the client is “now”. Career coaching gives you the methodology and mindset to make smart professional decisions. To formulate it high level: You will find your IKIGAI.
The word "IKIGAI" is usually used to indicate the source of value in one's life or the things that make one's life worthwhile. The word translated to English roughly means "thing that you live for" or "the reason for which you wake up in the morning.". Each individuals IKIGAI is personal to them and specific to their lives, values and beliefs. 

If you want to know more about IKIGAI, this will for sure be the topic of a later blog, but feel free to google it. In career coaching we want to find the career that combines what you are passionate about, what you can be the best at and what you can make money with your IKIGAI!

Depending on what your objectives are this will determine the focus of your coaching sessions.
A career coach helps you establish realistic goals, discover solutions to challenges people are up against, develop action plans, build self-confidence, and instills motivation to take action.

You are the pilot of your life and you need to take ownership of your career. 
A career coach gets you there faster and explores other opportunities as well, helping you to envision the future.

If you have more questions or ideas feel free to reach out to me!

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Katharina Engelhardt shares what a career coach is

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