Katharina Engelhardt I Career coach for women

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Why am I giving away 20 coaching sessions?

I will be 20 years with Adidas this year (2022).

An exciting number: no longer young and inexperienced. Still wild and brave. And to mark the occasion, I'm giving away 20 coaching sessions of 45 minutes each via Zoom to women who currently have a professional problem they'd like to get rid of. Who I'm giving this to, what's in it for you, what's the catch, and how it works, I answer all that in this post.


Are you a competent woman who is reluctant to admit that there is a big challenge in your life? Is there perhaps even a painful problem that really annoys you? And maybe you don't know who you can talk to about it, who you can confide in? What could that be?

It could be professional or personal issues, with friends or children. With ideas for emigration or a money issue... For example, I have already encouraged and accompanied wonderful women who then finally took money for their self-employment. There is so much that is worth looking at.

What is it with you? What is it that comes to your mind right now? If there is something, then come and join the application list for the 20 talks. You can sign up here and I will contact you to arrange an appointment.

I hope that the coaching will lead to many "aha" moments.


In the best case, one problem less. In the worst case, just an idea of how you could solve the problem. In the worst case, you have spent 45 minutes with me that do not bring you any further.

I deeply believe that I can give you at least one concrete impulse with which you can take your next step. Even if it takes time or courage until you actually take it. Because only you can actually put the change into action. And without your action, nothing will change. Only when you take action is further development and growth possible.


I am very curious and like to learn. At the same time, I am very good at connecting people who should know each other. I feel that there is a lot of potential for discovery in every single conversation and in the sum total.

And that's what I'm very keen on right now. Now that my new website is ready and I know even more clearly what I want, it's time to put my knowledge and experience into practice even more. And to take the steps I'm taking right now.

I also want to give back something of what I have that is good in my life. For many years I have been working on personal development and have learned a lot. There are still far too many women who are not in their power and who need it so badly. And I give these women a coaching session.

So that they have more energy for themselves and their lives. And they can continue on their way.


The answer is: there is no catch.

We meet for 45 minutes and then look together at how I can help you right now. If it's a complex, big issue, we'll pick out what's bothering you the most right now and see how I can help you at that point.

And then we can part ways again without any obligations, if that's what you want. I love and live generosity and a mini coaching is a way to experience that.


I want to find out what's on the minds of the women I want to work with. What prevents them from living their full power. I want to find out what is going on in their world and where exactly they would like my support right now.

And I want to know which issues I want to deal with more deeply, more often and more precisely.

I want to answer the following questions for myself after the 20 conversations:
What patterns do I notice?
What commonalities are there?
Which women are interested in talking to me?
Who are the women I want to work with?
Which topics do I want to devote more time to?
What am I the right contact person for?
Where can I find contacts from my network to help?

If you bring a complex problem that may have been bothering you for a long time, we cannot solve it completely in 45 minutes. What we can do is identify what is most urgent and important.

What do you think? Would you like to dare to tackle a problem that is really annoying you, quietly or loudly?

Apply here for your participation. I am looking forward to meeting you.

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