Katharina Engelhardt I Career coach for women

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Why Vision Boards Work for Everyone

Even for Those Who Don't Believe in the Law of Attraction.

Let me start with a controversial statement: You don't have to subscribe to the Law of Attraction to make vision boards work for you.

In short, the Law of Attraction teaches that "like attracts like," and when you put forth positive energy into the world, you'll only receive positive results in return. All you have to do is think positively about your goals and dreams, and they will become a reality. Vision boards also became a mainstream tool for manifesting those dreams with the idea that "if you dream it, you will achieve it."

This sounds quite similar to the power of positive thinking, which some credit to relieving day to day stress - positive thinking is a wonderful thing, but relying solely on the greater good is not how it works.

Vision boards are so popular now that you'll find "vision board parties" or classes where you create a vision board based on your goals for the upcoming year every New Year. It's great fun to get friends together and scour old magazines for those things that have meaning and that you want to achieve. What better way to think positively about your goals and dreams than to have a visual representation?

How to Make Vision Boards Work for YOU

1. Choose your own goals. Don't think about what you "should" work toward, and please don't choose something that OTHERS believe you should do. What makes you excited? What will energize you to work every day and avoid binging on Netflix? Where does your passion lie? Dig deep to find these answers.

2. Ask WHY these are your goals. Give yourself more time to look inside and discover WHY you have this business and what you want to work toward. Is it a physical product or an overall lifestyle you want?

3. Create action plans based on your goals. Daydream all you want about your dream car or your house by the beach (or whatever your heart desires) but understand that the only way you'll achieve those things is to TAKE ACTION. To move forward, you have to take small steps. If you want to win the lottery, you need to go and buy that ticket. These are all actions bringing you toward your main goal. The same is true for earning that car or beach house. Take small steps forward every single day. And if you need to plan out your action steps or need a checklist to stay focused, try using Asana to map out each goal's action steps.

4. Allow yourself to change your mind. It's perfectly fine if your goals change midway through the year. Maybe your path to a specific goal isn't as straightforward as you once thought; allow yourself the opportunity to correct the course or try something new. We evolve over time, and so will our goals and ambitions.

Bring your goal setting to a new level by creating a vision board. Jot down some action steps to reach your goals, and you've got a map ready to follow this next year.

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