Katharina Engelhardt I Career coach for women

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Three women career blogs you need to be following (and why)

Achievement in professional life starts with the right mental mindset. Having the right people, mentors, and teachers in our lives positively influences how we view ourselves and our contribution to the world. It is critical to surround ourselves with positive people and information. So why not fill our lives with exactly that? The following three blogs and websites (in no particular order) are incredibly inspiring. Accordingly, after thinking it through, I combine their input with my personal theories, experience and expertise to achieve optimal results in my current environment. Always have a growth mindset and focus on #positivity and #clarity. So, here are the three blogs you need to follow (in addition to my blog, of course!) to increase your information intake and diversify your knowledge:

Kathy Caprino Blog | Women's Career and Personal Growth Coach and Leadership Trainer.

Here you find information on expert career coaching, leadership training, career success seminars, and resources for professional women. As a women's career coach, writer, speaker, and trainer, Kathy helps women dig deep, discover their right work, and find their career bliss. Kathy Caprino has an exciting idea. She believes that people who don't take a leap of faith to follow their entrepreneurial dreams have not been given the opportunity to rise and speak up. As a result, her coaching approach is somehow different. Kathy teaches her students on courage, passion, and confidence. Then comes entrepreneurship. Kathy Caprino teaches her students how to build confidence and find that inner sparkle that everyday life sometimes dims. I like as well reading her books.

The Balance Careers

The Balance Careers makes navigating your career easy. It is home to experts who provide clear, practical advice on job searching, resume writing, salary negotiations, and other career planning topics. There is a massive library of more than 10,000 pieces of content that will help you take your career to the next level on their blog. So this is a go-to place when you want to know more about a specific topic.

Career & Executive Coaching For Professional Women

provides down-to-earth advice and inspiration for your life and career. Dr. Carol Parker Walsh offers personal & group coaching programs to professional women & entrepreneurs on their careers, businesses, and personal brand. Dr. Carol Parker Walsh is a powerful advocate for women unapologetically living life on their terms and doing the work they were meant to do in the world. When she was eight, her mother asked her, "Why is it when everyone goes left, you go right?" She replied, "Why do I have to go where everyone else does?" She now empowers women to walk their paths boldly.

Virtually all successful people share one common trait—a love for reading and lifelong learning. Elon Musk read for two hours a day when he was growing up. Mark Zuckerberg reads one book every two weeks. Self-made billionaire Peter J. Daniels taught himself to read by reading the dictionary. Then read 2,000 biographies in preparation for going into business—yes, 2,000!

In addition to a love for learning, successful people study a wide variety of topics. This helps them boost their creativity and expand their knowledge outside their area of specialty. By doing so, they are able to become "expert generalists" and make broad connections across industries and concepts. I am not in line with all these celebrities, but learning and reading are so important to me that I am sharing my sources of inspiration with you. If I have missed an important blog, reach out to me via e-mail and let me know.

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