4 Phases to prepare your promotion

This week I had a coaching session on the topic of the next promotion. The central question was what do I have to do to get to the next level?
A very valid question in my opinion. It's a question I'm sure we've all asked ourselves at one time or another. To get promoted you have to start at different corners.
Those who have been following me for a while know that I always like to start with Simon Sinek “Always start with why”.

Why do you want to be promoted?

The first step is to make sure that promotion is part of your life and career vision. What do you want from your career? What is your career happiness? Your vision? My blog “How to develop a vision for yourself and your career” can support you. This phase is very intense and because it goes deeper it is often skipped. Well, if you don't know where you want to go, any road will take you there.  What is the motivation source that drives you to achieve things? Knowing your motivators will help you add actionable points to your plan, as well as help you determine if you're in the right environment for you to thrive in. Tune out all the noise that’s in your head about what others say your life should look like, and focus just on your opinions, your thoughts, your values. Every single person on this planet has a unique filter, perception, history, values and goals. Comparing yourself to others often makes us depressed and sad, and does not have a productive purpose.
What is your answer to “Why do you want to be promoted?”

Why should you be promoted?

The second step is to get clarity on why you, of all people, should be promoted. What do you contribute to success? What successes do you have? What are your strengths and how do they help the company? Keeping a success diary can help you here. I have written about this in this blog “5 reasons to start a career journal/book of success”.

In order to plan your promotion yourself without drifting into your fantasy world, you need feedback from outside. This may be a little sobering for some, but it is absolutely necessary in order to be able to reflect better on yourself and your achievements. Many relevant things are partly outside our own sphere of perception or we are not aware of their relevance. It is important to get constructive, honest and direction-free feedback. Unfortunately, it is often very difficult to get this from one's environment. This is where professional coaching can be very helpful.
What is your answer to “Why should you be promoted?”

How do you SHOW UP?

It is nice if you know what you are doing. But do others know that? What do you do so that others think they see your performance?  If the answer is no, surely my boss should know that. Yes, that's right, that's an expectation - but your boss has many other things on his plate and he is not responsible for your next step. The responsibility is yours and you know that. The first step I suggest is to question why you don't make your successes, your performance visible to others. If you think I don't want to brag my successes, that you´re uncomfortable with it - then make yourself aware that this is not selling but to show what you have achieved. Because I bet you are proud of your successes. In my blog I wrote about SHOW UP not SHOW OFF, maybe that is the first step to say, yes I want my boss to know what I am doing. The second step is where can you show yourself? In team meetings, on LinkedIn or in the annual review for example read more in my blog “9-tips - preparation to show up!

What is your answer to “How do you SHOW UP?”

Go for it!

Prepare for growth so that you can enable and take advantage of opportunities for professional fulfillment. SAY YES! TO YOUR FUTURE. Find amazing partners, mentors and advocates who will open new doors for you. Networking is the name of the game, at company functions, events or even on LinkedIn. Schedule Career Coffee Chats into your daily routine. Even as an introvert you can network! In this article, I wrote about the importance of networking and offer some tips to shift your mindset. Take action and go for it! Create your future career!


You can also apply these steps when preparing for your next salary round, your next performance interview, or a job interview.

In my course “Create It!” I guide you through the steps of professional development/transformation. It is the beta version and starts as 1:1 coaching in February/March 23. Apply here and join me on the journey.

My course “SHOW UP!” is about practical implementation. Starting and filling your success diary, creating your elevator pitch and building your network professionally. We start in February/March 23. Here is the link to the waiting list, join in to secure some additional coaching

There is only one person that creates your career: YOU! I am here to support you.

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Katharina Engelhardt shares 4 Phases to prepare your promotion

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