Job searching tips - Focus on LinkedIn

Job Searching? Simple and Quick Tips

Looking for a job can be stressful in your life, but with proper planning, you can prepare yourself to land a job as quickly as possible. It doesn’t really matter what field you’re in, there are universal traits you can develop to make you look attractive to your future employer.

You’ll also benefit from making the whole process easier on yourself. Of course, you want to find a job as quickly as possible, but you also want to avoid stressing yourself out or feeling forced into making rash decisions just because you’re desperate to land a job.

If at all possible, hold out for a job that you’ll enjoy for a long time to come.

Consider some of these simple strategies for job hunting:

Know what you’re looking for. Rather than searching for a random job, first, do some heavy thinking about your talents and goals. What type of job do you feel you would enjoy and excel at?
You can even take a career assessment online to get some quick suggestions. These tests usually take your personality and temperament into account before matching you with potential careers.

Start networking. Make connections with people in your desired field. Create your profile online at social networking websites like LinkedIn and Facebook. The Internet is a powerful asset, and you can develop your online identity to help you become attractive to employers.

Be dedicated. It’s easy to give up hope, especially if you’ve already been out job hunting for a while. However, it’s those people who are dedicated that succeed. Keep looking and developing your skills because it’ll pay off in the long run, even if you aren’t seeing immediate results for your efforts.

Strengthen your interviewing skills. Ensure you’re knowledgeable about the job you’re interviewing for, and go in with the right attitude. Maintain a calm and relaxed demeanor and dress well for the occasion.

Share your ideas. You’ll really stand out to your prospective employer if you take charge and share your thoughts in addition to answering their questions.
Put some thought into offering a unique perspective that can help the company gain greater profits. This will illustrate that you can think creatively and show that you’ve done your research into the company where you’re interviewing.

Write a killer resume. Update your resume to highlight experience that can help you with the specific job for which you’re applying. Your goal with any resume should be to keep it as short as possible but still fill it with the information your interviewer needs.

Your chance to really shine is your interview, but your resume should show that you have the skills to back it up. It’ll also help to include keywords in your resume that pertain to your future job description.

Diversify. Continue to develop and strengthen the skills you have and add new ones as well. You never know when they’ll come in handy. An employer loves a well-rounded employee.
For instance, if you’re interviewing for a sales job, your employer may like the fact that you also have marketing and advertising skills.

Most importantly, relax and be yourself. If you’re fully prepared and patient, you’ll eventually find the job that’s perfect for you.

Modern Rules for Landing a Job Through LinkedIn

Are you on LinkedIn? Many job seekers already regard LinkedIn as their most valuable social media platform, and new features are being added all the time. Staying up to date can help you land your next position.

If you’ve been using LinkedIn to research opportunities and connect with others, you’ll be happy to know that they’re now entering the job aggregator market. That means you’ll find double the amount of job listings and more individuals to add to your network.

Learn how to use LinkedIn to take your job search to the next level. Get ready to polish up your profile and reach out to more people!

Let´s deep dive into Creating a Knock-Out Profile on LinkedIn

  1. Write a compelling summary. Capture interest with a resume that tells an engaging story and describes your unique value. Keep it brief. An ideal length is about 150 to 300 words.

  2. Showcase your accomplishments. Use the experience section and links to other websites to demonstrate what you can contribute. Quantify your achievements and present your best work samples.

  3. Optimize your photo. Include a professional-looking photograph that conveys your personality. It’s okay to wear a hat on Twitter, but here you want potential employers to be able to see your face.

  4. Customize your URL. Visit the LinkedIn help section for instructions on customizing your public profile URL. It will help you to show up sooner in search engine results.

  5. Pull it all together. These days, it’s common to change positions and even careers frequently. Give your profile a once over to ensure that it has a cohesive theme. Check that the details are consistent across different sections.

  6. Stay updated. Promptly add significant new developments to your profile. Examine your language to remove terms that are becoming overused and add the latest industry buzzwords.

Communicating with Others on LinkedIn

  1. Multiply your connections. Start with your personal contacts, from your current supervisor to your hairdresser. Play around with the people and company searches on LinkedIn to discover more possibilities.

  2. Personalize your invitations. Unique invitations promote conversation. When you ask people to connect with you, refer to details like where you met or interests that you share.

  3. Collect endorsements. Endorsing someone on LinkedIn is as easy as clicking on one of their skills. Brighten someone’s day by giving them a well-deserved endorsement. They’ll often provide you with one back.

  4. Seek recommendations. Recommendations have more impact than endorsements. Consider who can give you the most persuasive testimonials.

  5. Ask for introductions. Similarly, your contacts can provide referrals and introductions to people you want to get to know. Thank people for considering your requests and be gracious if they decide to decline.

  6. Prepare for interviews. LinkedIn is an excellent resource for finding information on companies and staff members. You may discover that you went to the same high school as the person interviewing you.

  7. Continue your education. Take a look at who LinkedIn designates as the influencers in your industry. Read the latest news about relevant products and management trends.

  8. Share your expertise. At the same time, LinkedIn provides a forum for expressing your own viewpoints. Post updates on conferences you attend or explain a technical topic you’re knowledgeable about.

  9. Join groups. Groups are one of the most popular features on the site. Participate in discussions and ask thought-provoking questions.

Knowing your way around the world’s largest professional network gives you an edge in today’s competitive job market. Build relationships and find career opportunities on LinkedIn.

The best is to prepare your LinkedIn Profile already at times where you are not looking for a new job. Keep your profile updated at all times and ensure it is telling your story. Think about you as a brand. Take care of this brand and control the messaging.

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