Goals – Why They Are Important And How To Stay On Track

People spend more time planning their vacations than they do their lives! – FORTUNE
What do you think about that quote above?
I remember the first time I saw that I thought it was both sad and true. And the perfect point to hopefully help get people's attention?
You see, I’m preparing for my Make 2023 your year - Your personal annual plan for career clarity, focus and success workshop. And I’m getting some great ideas. 💡 Goals provide us with a great target, a destination and an experience we long for.

5 Things that Will Happen Without Goal Setting

When it comes to setting goals, you may wonder why it’s necessary. But here are just a few of the dire consequences that can come about from not picking a destination and reaching to get there.

1. You’ll get lost.

If you were a pirate looking for treasure, you won’t just start digging around willy-nilly for treasure. You’d probably get an ancient map with an x that marks the spot. The same is true for setting goals—if you don’t set goals, you’ll wander around aimlessly in every area of life, blowing around where the wind takes you—and sometimes that place is not so good.

2. You’ll miss opportunities.

When it comes to work and even life in general, people only seek out assistance from those who are motivated and moving somewhere. If you don’t set goals and complacently just “roll with it” all the time—whether professionally or personally—you’ll miss promotions, pay raises, and invitations you’d otherwise get if you had some goals you were working towards, such as finding a better job or dating that special someone.

3. You’ll lose the power of attraction.

It’s a hotly debated topic, but many people out there swear there’s something intangibly true about how the way we think and feel affects the world around us. Think good, and it will be good, an old adage goes. With goals, success will come your way. Without goals, you’re not really able to be sure what’s headed your direction.

4. You’ll feel empty inside

Steven Hawking, one of the greatest scientific minds in modern times, left behind many thoughts about the universe, but one that was applicable even to those who aren’t physicists was to find meaningful work. Goals give you a reason to get up in the morning and embrace the awesome gift that is life. Without goals, you might as well just roll over and go back to sleep—all day.

5. You won’t feel as good as you can about yourself.

Sometimes people get plagued by doubts about themselves. It’s natural and human to wonder if we really are worth our place in the world. Of course, the answer is that each and every person has a unique piece in the puzzle, otherwise they wouldn’t be here. But in order to tap into that sense of self-worth, you need to set some goals and get working. You’ll feel great when you achieve them, and purposeful as you work towards them.

5 Reasons Setting Goals is Important in Every Area of Life

When it comes to most areas of life, people tend to float around and embrace the idea of whatever happens, happens. But here are 5 reasons why setting goals is important, no matter what you’re talking about, whether it’s work, play, or even relationships.

1. Goals keep you focused.

Imagine a ship setting sail without a destination in mind—as it traveled wherever the winds take it, supplies would eventually run out, and the crew would probably have to resort to cannibalism in order to survive.

Okay, so maybe a lack of goal setting won’t yield such dire results, but you certainly won’t get anywhere specific if you don’t have a plan. Whether you’re talking about work, hobbies, or relationships, setting a goal will keep you moving towards success and fulfillment, without veering off course.

2. Goals help you make a plan of action.

When you know how much you’ve accomplished, you can understand how much you need to achieve and pace yourself accordingly.

For example, if you set a goal for yourself to save up a million dollars for retirement, you believe you’re two decades away from retiring, and have only saved up $500,000, you know you need to add around $2,100 more per month.

3. Goals get you motivated.

Without a goal in mind, you can always say it will happen tomorrow—whatever it is. Of course, once tomorrow arrives, there will be a tomorrow after that, and so on.

Setting a goal with a timetable will force you into some accountability for your actions and force you to get up off the proverbial couch.

4. Goals help you actualize your potential.

Each and every one of us has incredible talents and abilities latently existing within, but very few people actually leverage those talents into something useful.

Setting goals and working towards them is a great way to put your skills to work, while developing and sharpening your natural talents.

5. Goals keep you committed.

. One of the biggest deterrents to success is that people just give up along the road. If you set a goal for yourself and stick to it, you can block out unhelpful distractions and resist falling into depression or self-pity when things don’t quite go your way.

You know there’s an awesome view at the top of the mountain and you’re committed to seeing it, no matter how arduous the climb.

6 Ways to Stay on Track with Your Goals

Easier said than done, the expression goes. But when it comes to not doing work toward your goals, falling back on this expression can have some serious consequences. Here are a few tips for staying on track.

1. Write it down.

When it comes to keeping appointments and meeting deadlines, most people have to write them down—or else they somehow disappear until after they’ve passed. The same is true with goals. Without visually concretizing your aim in writing, your goal is likely to dissipate into thin air.

2. Set a schedule.

If your goal doesn’t have a due date, then you can always keep putting it off if things get in the way, or even if you just feel lazy. Put the goal on your calendar. If it’s something big, don’t try to cram too many other things into the days before your deadline.

3. Break it down.

Your goal will be easier to accomplish if you break it down into digestible steps. When architects plan a building, they don’t just put it up in one day: it’s built in parts, from the foundation up. The same is true with your goal. Break it down into weekly, monthly, or even yearly chunks, depending on how far out the deadline is.

4. Get Accountable.

Studies have shown that when you have to report to someone else, you’re more likely to stay on track. Pick an accountability buddy—it could be someone working towards the same goal, like a gym partner, or perhaps just a friend or family member. Set up times when you’ll check in and notify them of your progress.

5. Be Positive.

Remember the story of The Little Engine That Could—he was able to climb the hill because he kept on saying “I think I can, I think I can.” You should have the same reaction towards your goals: verbal and mental positivity. Use affirmations, positive thinking, and support from those around you to reach for the clouds.

6. Treat Yourself.

When you hit a milestone, do something nice for yourself, whether it’s going out to lunch or buying a new article of clothing. Plan a special event or prepare to claim a prize when you reach your goal. Teachers are great at leveraging this tactic: when their class hits a behavioral or educational goal they throw a pizza party. Why not use the same strategy and celebrate with a nice treat when you reach the end of the road?.


Goal setting is part of my career and leadership coaching. In my course MOVE UP! it is at the very beginning. It is part of the foundation for the full course the pre-course. This is how important it is for sustainable success.

Do you want to continue and go deeper? 🤩 If you want an intensive exploration of self-leadership, your personal vision and a suitcase full of leadership tools, MOVE UP! is the right place for you. Here you will experience powerful guidance on your professional and personal journey with coaching, exercises, live sessions, audio guides and much more. The next MOVE UP! program starts in December. Book your place now.

My leadership program MOVE UP! can help you master the daily challenges in leadership so that you do not find yourself in the leadership trap.

Every month we focus on one mindset topic, one leadership tool and a group coaching session. You will get a lot of inspiration around leadership, self-leadership and engineering your mindset. The waitlist is open, we start in December so that you can make 2023 your year!

Here is a link to book a discovery session with me to find out if I am the right coach for you.

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