Katharina Engelhardt I Career coach for women

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8 Steps to Make Problem Solving Easier

"We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. " Albert Einstein

When problems arise in life or business is can feel overwhelming. However, problem-solving can be easy and doesn’t have to ruin your whole day or week if you have a process to make problem-solving easier.

Breath in, Beath out - follow these eight steps to make problem-solving easier.

Step 1: Change Your Perspective
The first thing that must be done is to change your perspective on how you see problems. Problems do not always have to be negative. Experiencing problems is the only way you can truly grow and develop better skills. You cannot expect to see a difference in your life when sticking to your comfort zone and not trying to improve your abilities. Problems are unavoidable. The sooner you can understand this, the more likely you will be able to solve them faster.

Step 2: Identify the Real Problem
Next, figure out what the problem truly is; don’t assume. Most of the time, people think they know what the problem is and put out solutions that don’t work. For example, many believe their lack of sleep is why they are tired. Many will sleep more when, in reality, most fatigue is due to lack of proper nutrition or another underlying condition.

Step 3: Ask Lots of Questions
To honestly figure out the problem, be willing to ask the hard questions. Make sure these questions are open-ended and require more than ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ You want these questions to be thought-provoking and challenging. As you go through these questions, you will notice similarities, and your brain will naturally come up with solutions while answering these questions. If you don’t know what to ask about a given problem, ask others to help you with creating the questions.

Step 4: Keep Notes
Keep notes every step of the way. Write down your problem, or problems, questions and answers that arise along with and any solutions that come to mind. Remember to write down results from actions you’ve taken in the past. This way, you are sure to remember and can then use it to research later and decide what the best solution is.

Step 5: Brainstorm Solutions
Now that you understand the real problem use brainstorming techniques and write down as many solutions as possible. Anything you think of, write it down. You will research each idea later.

Step 6: Research
Use the internet or ask friends, family, a therapist, or a business coach. See what everyone has to offer to the situation and what solutions they provide. Keep a list and research these solutions to see how they can be best suited for you. Take the time to explore the problem to be sure you truly understand the current situation.

Step 7: Evaluate and Implement
Now that you have brainstormed and researched each possible solution evaluate them, and list them according to what you think is the best outcome for your problem. Write down any pros and cons and make sure it will truly solve the problem. Then pick the best one and implement it.

Step 8: Monitor and Evaluate
Implementing what you believe to be the best solution is not the final step. You must monitor and evaluate the results to be sure your problem is being fixed. If not, implement your next solution from step 7 until your problem is solved.

Implement these eight steps every time a problem arises, and you will see just how easy it can be to solve it. Remember, problems are not always bad and are what challenge you to do and be better every day.

This technique can be used for any challenge aka problem in private and in business life.

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