Be the Change You Want to See: Embracing the Power of Self-Transformation

In a world filled with constant change, we often find ourselves longing for a better, more just, and compassionate world. We yearn for change in our personal lives, workplaces, and communities. We discuss it, debate it, and even passionately advocate for it. But how often do we truly embody the change we want to see? This question became a cornerstone of my personal journey after a transformative conversation with a colleague who reminded me of the profound wisdom encapsulated in the phrase, "Be the change you want to see in life."

The Awakening

I vividly remember that day when my colleague, a wise and empathetic soul, shared her insights with me. Over coffee, she gently urged me to believe in my values and take the initiative to be the change I sought in the world, rather than passively waiting for the world to change around me. It was a wake-up call, a reminder that I had the power to influence and shape my life, my career, and the world around me. This mantra soon became my daily line of thought, guiding me toward a more meaningful and purpose-driven existence.

Why We Hesitate

It's natural to wonder why, despite our fervent desires for change, we often hesitate to take action. There are several reasons that hold us back:

1.    Fear of the Unknown:

One of the most common reasons we hesitate to be the change we want to see is the fear of the unknown. Change often leads us into uncharted territory, and this can be profoundly unsettling. We tend to cling to the familiar, even if it's not serving us well, simply because it feels safer. The comfort zone, though comfortable, can also be stifling, preventing us from reaching our full potential.

Overcoming this fear requires a shift in perspective. Instead of seeing the unknown as something to be feared, view it as an exciting opportunity for growth and personal development. Embrace the idea that stepping into the unknown can lead to valuable experiences and discoveries.

2.    Lack of Confidence:

Many of us underestimate our own abilities to make a meaningful difference in the world. We might doubt our capacity to bring about change, feeling that our actions are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. This lack of self-confidence can paralyze us and prevent us from taking action.

To address this, start by recognizing that everyone has the potential to create change, no matter how small. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who believe in your abilities. Build your confidence incrementally by taking small steps towards your goals and celebrating each achievement.

3.    The Waiting Game:

Another common trap we fall into is the waiting game. We often hope that someone else, someone more qualified or influential, will step up and initiate the change we desire. This passivity can lead to frustration and disappointment when change doesn't materialize.

The key to overcoming this barrier is understanding that change often starts with individuals who are passionate and committed, not necessarily those in positions of power. Instead of waiting for others, step into the role of a change-maker yourself. Your dedication and persistence can inspire others to join your cause.

4.    Comfort in Complacency:

Complacency is a seductive force that lulls us into inaction. It's easy to complain about the problems we see around us while doing nothing to address them. We might think that someone else will take care of it or that it's not our responsibility.

To break free from complacency, remind yourself of the power you have to make a positive impact. Recognize that change often requires effort and sacrifice, but the rewards of a better world are well worth it. Challenge yourself to take action, even when it feels uncomfortable.

Becoming the Change

So, how can we break free from these barriers and truly become the change we want to see? Here's a roadmap for your journey of self-transformation:

1.    Self-Reflection:

The journey of becoming the change you want to see begins with deep self-reflection. Take the time to understand your core values and beliefs. What issues or causes resonate with you on a profound level? How do these values align with your personal and professional life?

2.    Set Clear Intentions:

Once you've identified the changes you wish to see, set clear intentions and goals. Make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). For example, if you're passionate about environmental conservation, your goal might be to reduce your carbon footprint by a certain percentage within a year.

3.    Take Small Steps:

It's important not to overwhelm yourself with the enormity of the change you seek. Start small. Take incremental steps that align with your values and goals. For instance, if you want to promote education in underserved communities, begin by volunteering at a local school or donating to educational charities.

4.    Embrace Learning:

Become a subject-matter expert in the areas related to your desired change. Read books, attend seminars, and engage with experts and organizations. The more informed you are, the more effective your efforts will be. Knowledge is a powerful tool for change.

5.    Build Relationships:

Collaboration is often key to creating lasting change. Connect with like-minded individuals and organizations that share your vision. Collaborative efforts can amplify your impact and provide valuable support and resources.

6.    Lead by Example:

Live your values in your daily life and work. Be a role model for the change you seek to create. Your actions will speak louder than words, inspiring others to follow your lead.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can one person really make a significant change in the world?

Absolutely. History is replete with examples of individuals who started with a vision and went on to make substantial, lasting changes. Small actions can ripple out and inspire others, leading to collective efforts that bring about profound transformation.

Q2: How can I stay motivated on this journey of change?

Maintaining motivation can be challenging, but it's essential. Surround yourself with a supportive community, regularly revisit your goals, and celebrate your achievements along the way. Remember why you started and the positive impact your efforts can have.

Q3: What if I face resistance or opposition in my pursuit of change?

Resistance is a natural part of change. Stay committed to your values and beliefs, but also be open to constructive dialogue. Seek common ground with those who may not initially share your perspective. Change often involves addressing resistance with patience and understanding.

Q4: How can a career and leadership coach support me on this journey?

A career and leadership coach can provide guidance, accountability, and personalized strategies to help you navigate the challenges of becoming the change you want to see. They can assist you in setting and achieving your goals while offering valuable insights and support throughout your journey.


In conclusion, the world is in need of positive change, and it begins with us. Let us not wait for change to happen; let us become the change-makers ourselves. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Embrace this mantra, and together, we can create a brighter, more compassionate, and more just future for all.

Are you ready to embark on this journey of self-transformation and be the change you want to see in life? Let's take that first step together.

As a career and leadership coach, I am committed to supporting you on this transformative journey. Whether you're looking to make a career change, become a more effective leader, or simply want to lead a more purpose-driven life, I'm here to help you discover your inner power to be the change you want to see.
Here is a link to book a discovery session with me to determine if I am the right coach for you.

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Kathrina Engelhardt talks about Embracing the Power of Self-Transformation and  Be the Change You Want to See

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