7 Ways To Become Visible As An Employee

Everyone has a lot to do. That means if you want to be visible, you have to help people see you.
Why is it not enough to be diligent and to perform? It´s because nobody has telepathic powers and knows what you are thinking and doing.
We all have a lot to do. Especially bosses. That´s why we are allowed – no, even more - it is our duty to help bosses see our successes and achievements more quickly and not have them search for them in hidden messages and documentation.
It doesn't need to be a whole hymn about yourselves. It's better to let the small everyday successes come across briefly in passing, quite breezily and lightly. But do it regularly. This lifts your own spirits as well as those of your team and superiors.

It is elegant if you quote others. For example:
"Yesterday, VP xyz was overjoyed because we also thought of this and that - she told me on the phone. Wanted to share this nice feedback with you."
Depending on how you communicate in the company: a short email, a message on messenger, a mini-break in the coffee kitchen ... this way your superiors will find out what you do for the company in passing. It is actually a help for many, often even overburdened superiors in problem-solving mode.
Because if you only approach them with the problems - perhaps in the opinion that you do not need to take up time unnecessarily - then you should not be surprised if you are associated with "problem employee" and others are given preference.

So: Who has benefited from your work? Thanked you? Given to understand that everything is okay? Example:
"Today in the project team, xxx was the difficult topic. And we found this solution. I'm always so happy when things move forward in the project and I can make my contribution."
One can also get professional guidance so that you immediately stand out positively to your new employer. Vou got herself a nice diary and now write down your daily successes in it, thus influencing your mindset. See also my blog article book of success.

You want to get noticed, and you want to do so in a way that feels authentic and real. And what are the best ways to do that?

In this article, I highlight 7 ways you can become visible as an employee.

1. Offer new ideas

If you don't share what you have with your boss and colleagues, they will never know what's in it.
The easiest way is to express your thoughts at meetings. Think about how you want to present your idea beforehand and think about how to formulate your suggestions in a way that they will be understood. A good starting point is always to be able to answer the question What is in if for them? Why is your idea good? What problem can it solve? You can collaborate with a colleague to support each other in meetings: When one of you is presenting, the other supporting getting the message across and ensures that the idea is heard and that you are seen as the source of the idea.

2. Volunteer

If you only deliver what is needed, this if fine but nobody talks about the time someone did a ‘good enough job for them. Wherever you get a chance, to go the extra mile: Do it. Do the unexpected things that add value. And then let others know that this is your accomplishment. You want to show what you are made of, and there is a project that excites you? What is stopping you from raising your arm and saying: I'll do it? In this way you show that you know and are interested and: That you also make this available to the company. But: The project should not be more of what you are already doing. It has to be something that goes beyond that, something that will take you further. If it is just more work and more work from what you are already doing then you don't necessarily become positively visible, then you are a working be.

3. Write

You have done something particularly great: Write about what you do and the benefits it brings. Share it through the company's internal communication channels. Present it in a team meeting and make sure your manager hears about it. Best of all, wrap it up in a story that explains why it's so special. Each article must clearly show why what you are doing is important: What is in it for them!

4. Network

You are known in your department but nobody else knows what you do? If writing is not your thing, then focus on networking. Think about who you want to network with and why. If you are looking for a new job, think about who can help you? If you want ideas on how to manage your project better, think about who can help you. Be consistent in your messaging: Tell the same topics, talk about your successes consistently. This will ensure that you become ‘that person’ for your network. How could you become the person that always springs to mind when they think about what you do?

5. Lunch and learn

You have a topic in which you can and want to share your knowledge with others. Instead of a presentation, why not a casual lunch and learn? Invite people who are interested in your topic and then talk about your topic. In a lunch and learn the atmosphere is more relaxed and you can present less formally.

6. Thank your team

You as a team leader and you as a team member are happy with the outcome of a project and you want those who matter to know about it. But YOU don't want to put yourself in the spotlight? Then simply thank your team. Tell them what you have achieved, why it is so great, what you have contributed and then thank the team. This shows that you are collaborative, encourages the team that they have performed well and you indirectly but clearly present what you have achieved. In addition to this thank people and celebrate the achievements of others. Share what inspiring people in your field are doing. Make as much noise about the people who have contributed to your journey as you do about yourself. Reciprocity will give back to you.

7. Use social media

LinkedIn is a professional and global network. share your successes and ideas there. Of course, you have to respect your company's confidentiality agreement. If you are unsure, you can comment on what others post at the beginning. Then you will get a feeling of what is being communicated and how it is perceived. Very important: Make sure your profile is updated.

Nothing says more about you than your work.

And in a world where everyone seems to be talking a big talk, with a slick elevator pitch and a written-by-a-professional LinkedIn profile, people are increasingly more compelled by what they see you do than what they hear you say. So, the best way to let people know what you do, is by doing it. And then let them know what you’ve done. Just SHOW UP! The more you make, the better it is, and the more open you are about it, the easier it is for people to find you, understand what you do, and support you.

Doing all by yourself can take a long time. But there is an easier and quicker way: If you are interested in this journey, take part in my SHOW UP! course, we discuss exactly this topic. If you want to take the step towards more authentic and confident visibility in a group of ambitious women: Now is a good time.

If you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee and forward my work to your network.

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Katharina shares 7 ways to become visible as an employee

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