Katharina Engelhardt I Career coach for women

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5 Reasons to Create Your Vision Board

5 Reasons to Ignore the Naysayers and Create Your Vision Board

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Vision boards have gained popularity over the years, and now people run vision board workshops or hold parties with friends. Creating a vision board is most prevalent near January 1st when the New Year is dawning, and so many people are reflecting on the past year. New year, new changes, but you can certainly create a vision board – or change one up – at any point during the year.

The idea behind vision boards is that you find visual representations of your goals, hopes, and dreams and paste them onto a poster so you can see them each day. By seeing these goals daily, you are stimulating your brain visually while also keeping your goals forefront in your mind, so you remain motivated during the day. As with any topic, many people don’t believe in vision boards and think they’re a waste of time or that the Law of Attraction is hocus pocus. In one of my earlier blogs, I stated that vision boards work for everyone, and I referred to the law-of-attraction.

Here are some common-sense reasons why the vision board naysayers shouldn’t sway you:

1. What works for one doesn’t work for all. As with nearly any scenario, you’ll find multiple ways to do things, and one way won’t work for everyone. Vision boards are nothing more than a visual way to set goals. So whether you use a vision board or a simple list, choose the option that appeals to you the most and that you’ll actually use. Setting the goals is the most important thing, not how it gets done.

2. What can it hurt? In the end you’ll have two possible conclusions: You set your goals and found a way to get motivated every day; or you had an enjoyable afternoon thinking about what you want out of life. Self-reflection never hurt anyone.

3. You are in control of your life instead of being a bystander. Many times, adults react to situations in their lives instead of paving their way through life on their own terms. Knowing what you want in life, down to where you want to live or the car you want to drive, puts you in control. When you’re in control, you can make better decisions that lead you to your dream goals.

4. Be a role model for your kids. A work-at-home friend said she makes a vision board every year and shares her goals with her children in hopes of inspiring them to work hard. She tells her kids what her plans are, and they are her cheerleaders when she crosses them off one by one.

5. Trust your gut. Would you jump off a bridge just because your friends say so? Okay, that rings back to childhood when mom would try to teach us to think independently, but it’s so true even now as adults. Gather your information and then make the decision that’s right for YOU. If you’re dying to create a vision board but your spouse laughs at the idea, make one anyway. Or make a digital one that can only be seen on your computer. Don’t be swayed into making a decision that doesn’t feel right; follow your gut instinct.

In the end, you only have one life, so live it to the fullest. If that means prioritizing your goals with a vision board, go for it! Live with no regrets, and you might really surprise yourself with how much you accomplish from your vision board.

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